Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I am back. I didn't think I would make a blog post again this quick. But then today is a special date 12/12/12 that happens once every hundred years. Besides this kind of confluence would not happen again for the next 88 years. The next one would be 01/01/01 in the year 3001! In fact if the Mayan Calendar had its way, the world would end way before that! That's right, folks! In a couple of weeks the world may very well have ended. But don't worry if you missed this date. We do have plenty of dates remaining for the end of the work. For more details you can check here

I am sure you can pick a date that suits you better!

For the more apocalyptically (Is that even a word?) inclined, advanced wishes for a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A long gap!

That was a rather long gap! I had forgotten entirely about this blog, until my better half reminded me. And that was thanks to the fact that I recently registered my domain name and linked it to my Google site. Yes, that's right! I am the proud owner my very own domain and website, thanks to Big Rock and Google respectively. The whole set-up cost me under Rs.1000 for two years, including free e-mail forwarding. I am yet to see the test mail I forwarded to that account though. No matter! I am sure the good folks in Big Rock would send it to me in some time.

In case you want to drop  by it is

I guess between the last post and this one there has been more changes in my life. A change in Job and a new member in our family! The second one is the more momentous change obviously!

So after this rather spontaneous outpouring, it is back to sleep! :-)