Monday, January 14, 2013

And then the new year came!

As 2013 starts, I was thinking of about the year past, and of course, making my new year resolutions. Last year proved to be a mix of good and bad, with things getting evened out.
The new little one in the family came in 2012, but I also had to stay in Bangalore without much chance of spending time with her. I had to travel a lot, but then a lot of travel involved visiting family. Overall a year that was spend mostly on the road and alone.
Lots of really sad incidents too, especially nearing the end of 2012, the school shooting, the Delhi gang-rape, SRT's retirement, etc. It really looked like the world was ending on some level. I hope that 2013 is better!

As for new year resolutions, I did make a list of usual suspects. Although the one thing that I did add, is to become a bit more sociable and chivalrous this year. Hmm.. there is one more! I think I will start on that book I had been thinking about for a long, long time. Atleast I should write more! God knows I write little, as it is. I did buy a couple of notebooks and a pen with the intention of writing in it. I started scribbling on it and realized that I am woefully out of touch with writing. I need a keyboard to form a sentence. The good part is that it forced me to think about what I am writing before I even put pen on paper, since there was not much chance of changing it without making it messier.

Alright then, see you later. Have to get back to writing another design document! *sigh*! When will I get back to writing code?!