Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Back after a break!

And back with a bang too! First off, a big thanks to all my friends who wished me a Happy B'day! It was a very hectic B'day followed up by a very hectic weekend. I actually managed to make it home for a long weekend after almost a month and a half. It was heaven, just sitting around and lazing in my home.
Apart from having to pretend not to have heard mom's snide comments regarding your's truly reaching marriageable age, and occassional proposals that i would turn down offhanded, the break was rather enjoyable. I did manage to met up with old friends, visit some temples and generally spend the day sleeping in. With all the food (sweets and otherwise) that I consumed in the last three days i feel as if i have gained around 5-10 kilos, mostly around the middle.
Work is going on in a hectic (snigger...) pace as usual. Hopefully an initial release would be out sometime before the end of this month.
Speaking of releases, this weekend saw a couple of movie releases that I desperately want to see. One is Shivaji (The Boss), starring Rajni and the other one is Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Both of them are opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of cinematic style, but there are two common threads of grand budget and total unbeleivabilty in both the films, which make them quite attractive to me.. :-D .. Oh, and there is one more film I really want to see... Shootout at Lokhandwala! I heard that Vivek Oberoi has put in an awesome performance in the movie. And that "ganpat" song makes me laugh every time I hear it.... especially the "kaishwarya" line due to the history between the two.. Anyways, enough from me. Signing off now to do some actual work... Hmmm.. Time for a coffee break before I start I think..

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