Apart from the obvious change I have decided to put a bit of theory that I am reading into practice. Recently I got my hands on '7 habits for effective people' by Covey. Well, I usually don't buy self-help or self-improvement books. But the phrase 'effective people' caught me. I have to admit that the first time I glanced at the title, I substituted 'successful' instead of 'effective'. This got me curious and I wound up buying the book. But it wasn't just a read-through-it-and-forget-about-it kind of book. It describes some simple habits which can help you over the long run. And the first habit I am trying out is - "Be Proactive".
That was just 2 simple words. But implementing it in practice is a pain. What it implies, for me at least, is to not just crib, but do something about it. Well, there was a lot of stuff written. But essentially it boils down to this. And this post is kind of something I have been cribbing about for some time. So here it is... :-) Lets see if I can make this a habit!
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