Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another year gone by

And here we are... The last year was pretty momentous one for me. I managed to get hitched. Which is partly the reason for being quite for so long. Marriage has kind of mellowed me down (hmm.. and bloated me up as well). Blame it on the stress free days. It is kind of comforting to know that when you get home somebody will be there for you. And when you wake up in the morning somebody is next to you. And breakfast/lunch/dinner on the table which actually tastes good, doesn't hurt either (I help with washing the dishes and doesn't mind that)

Apart from the obvious change I have decided to put a bit of theory that I am reading into practice. Recently I got my hands on '7 habits for effective people' by Covey. Well, I usually don't buy self-help or self-improvement books. But the phrase 'effective people' caught me. I have to admit that the first time I glanced at the title, I substituted 'successful' instead of 'effective'. This got me curious and I wound up buying the book. But it wasn't just a read-through-it-and-forget-about-it kind of book. It describes some simple habits which can help you over the long run. And the first habit I am trying out is - "Be Proactive".

That was just 2 simple words. But implementing it in practice is a pain. What it implies, for me at least, is to not just crib, but do something about it. Well, there was a lot of stuff written. But essentially it boils down to this. And this post is kind of something I have been cribbing about for some time. So here it is... :-) Lets see if I can make this a habit!

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